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Michael Rohrmüller | PixelMechanics

Bucher Str. 79a (Rilke Park) 

D-90419 Nuremberg, Germany 


Phone: +49 911 1313 3780

Email: contact@pixelmechanics.tech

Website: https://pixelmechanics.tech 

VAT ID:  DE 245386936 

Legal Venue:  Nuremberg 

Responsible for the content according to § 18 (2) MStV

Mr. Michael Rohrmüller 

Bucher Str. 79a (Rilke Park) 

D-90419 Nuremberg, Germany 

Details in accordance with §5 TMG 

PixelMechanics | grenzenlos digital 

Michael Rohrmüller 

Bucher Str. 79a (Rilke Park) 

D-90419 Nuremberg, Germany 


Phone: +49 911/1313 3780 

Email: kontakt [at] pixelmechanics.de 

Website: https://main.pixelmechanics.tech 


DE 245386936 


Legal Venue: 



Responsible for the content according to § 55 II RStV: 

Mr. Michael Rohrmüller 

Bucher Str. 79a (Rilke Park) 

D-90419 Nuremberg, Germany 


At the time of linking, we verified the content of the external websites. Should any unlawful content be subsequently published on the linked sites, we will remove the respective link immediately upon notification. 



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